Mersey Care is working hard to welcome staff and make sure the transfer into the organisation is as smooth as possible. To help with this, a series of staff engagement sessions will take place during April and May.
All staff sessions will be led by Mersey Care’s organisational effectiveness team, with representation from the Executive Leadership Team, and aim to continue the journey of bringing our two trusts together so we can learn from each other and work together to support patients in the best way possible.
These sessions will focus on the strategic vision for the new Trust; Mersey Care’s aspiration for a Restorative Just and Learning Culture; and a future joint collaboration between all staff from both trusts to define the values and behaviours that will guide how we work.
An overview will also be provided about Quality Review Visits which help to ensure high quality and safe care, together with the policies and Human Resources that guide and support our work. There will be an opportunity for you to ask your questions and discuss hopes and concerns with the Executive Leadership Team.
Sessions are as follows and will be recorded for anyone who is unable to attend:
Time |
Link to join |
Tuesday 20 April |
9-10.30am |
Tuesday 20 April |
1.30-3pm |
Friday 23 April |
12noon-1.30pm |
Sessions will be run on Microsoft Teams and the presentation will be the same at all three sessions, so you only need to attend one.
Please send any advance questions to If you would prefer your question to be anonymous, please say in your email.
There will be additional targeted sessions with different content for corporate staff and for clinical leaders