Publish date: 17 October 2020
Following a review of the Trust's risk management systems and some recent developments to the Trust Board Assurance Framework, we have introduced some new fields to the Datix risk module to allow all risks to be managed more effectively.
The changes will enable:
- Precise risk descriptions to be written with clear articulation of cause and effect
- A distinction to be made between internal and external sources of risk
- A method to support the evaluation of control through the identification of assurance and gaps in assurance
- The triangulation with available patient safety data
- A clear indication of the Risk Treatment Option in the form of a RAG rating
The introduction of a tiered approach for risks within the 'Risk Location' section will support identification of risks that impact on multiple services and enable a consistent approach to such risk. The tiers are as follows:
1 - Trust wide risk
2 - Borough risk
3 - Service risk
4 - Site risk
5 - Team risk
Assistant Clinical Directors and Heads of Quality have attended training and will be able to support teams across the boroughs with the changes to the risk module. Further training sessions will also be scheduled throughout November and December so look out for the dates which will be published shortly.
Updated user guides are availble below:
For any queries please contact the Risk Team.