• Follow your usual security processes - ask for ID and sign inspectors in and out as you would do with any other visitor.
  • Be friendly and polite - introduce yourself and welcome them to the service.
  • Show inspectors around - this should be the most senior member of the team on duty. 
  • Make sure patients' needs come first. This will be expected and understood by the inspecting team. Explain to inspectors you will be with them as soon as your patient is cared for.
  • Inform your line manager immediately - they have a duty to inform a number of others as outlined within the 'External inspection flowchart' 
  • Inform the CQC team by email: cqc.inspection@nwbh.nhs.uk - this should be done by the most senior person on duty.
  • Be proud and positive. Don't hide! Think about all the improvements you have made and the complaints or incidents you have addressed. Often people forget about all the good work they do which is improving care.
  • Answer questions honestly and openly. CQC inspectors are particularly interested in things that require improvement but have not been identified. If you know something needs to be improved then you should say so, but make sure you know how you are going about addressing the issue and whether you've raised this before.
  • Be prepared to be challenged by inspectors if you are not following protocols or processes.
  • Be responsive. If an issue is raised, rectify it as soon as possible or, if this isn't possible, raise it with your line manager. 
  • Familiarise yourself with where your team documentation is held - for example, staff roster, policies and procedures.
  • Keep a log of all items requested or provided to the CQC - this should be a team manager responsibility.
  • Respect confidentiality, and always check with patients first if inspectors want to observe your interaction with them. Keep conversations away from public areas to avoid disruption or breaching confidentiality, but encourage patient and carer participation if appropriate.
  • Be calm and confident if you are interviewed. If you don't understand something, ask for clarification.