As part of the Champs Cheshire and Merseyside public health collaborative, we have signed the NO MORE Zero Suicide pledge to demonstrate our commitment to suicide prevention.  

This is a bold, ambitious and innovative approach which aims to connect people, to raise awareness of suicide and create the momentum for change across a number of key agencies. 

Our Suicide Prevention Strategy (2019-21), outlines our ambition to provide an intelligence informed and evidence based suicide prevention approach. It’s based on the key national policy documents and current research on suicide and suicide prevention.

Our main focus is to reduce the risk of suicide in those individuals known to North West Boroughs Healthcare but we also acknowledge that suicide has a number of underlying causes.

We know that approaches to prevention must be wide-ranging and addressed across the system. For this reason, we have worked to ensure our strategy aligns with the wider regional strategies in Cheshire and Merseyside and Greater Manchester. We work alongside our system partners as part of the council led local suicide prevention groups to monitor progress and share learning to inform future action planning. 

We recognise that it’s the responsibility of all partners to work together to prevent suicide. 

Our strategy is overseen by our Trust Suicide Prevention Group which has representation from each of the boroughs and specific roles from across our Trust for example, self-harm pathway lead.

The group directs, oversees and monitors suicide prevention activity across the priority areas in order to ensure a comprehensive and evidenced based suicide prevention approach for our Trust. 

The work plan developed to support the delivery of our Trust Strategy is monitored by the strategy group.

If you would like to find out more about our Trust suicide prevention strategy and group or would like to get involved, have any thoughts or ideas please contact Katie Donnelly, Suicide Prevention Lead by email to