Publish date: 25 September 2020

The engagement sessions will be an opportunity for you to meet Mersey Care Chief Executive Joe Rafferty and other members of the executive leadership team who will tell you a bit about the trust and share their vision for the future.

You will also be able to ask any questions you may have and the majority of the time will be reserved for this. If you would like to submit a question in advance, please email If you would like your question to be anonymous, please say this in your email.

The sessions will take place on Microsoft Teams Live and will be run in a similar way to our existing staff Q&As. All staff will be able to access the sessions, but you must do this through Google Chrome, not Internet Explorer. Here are some helpful tips to join.

Date Time Link to join
Friday 2 October 3.30-5pm Session 1
Tuesday 6 October 11.30am-1pm Session 2
Monday 12 October 6-7.30pm Session 3
Tuesday 13 October 12.30-2pm Session 4

There is no need to book in advance, just click on the relevant link above for the session you intend to join. Managers are asked to enable staff to take part.

All sessions will be recorded and shared so you can watch them back if you're unable to attend.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.