Publish date: 3 September 2020

​Our Trust have recently launched two employee networks for BME and LGBT+ staff. The next employee network the Trust wants to launch is a disability network to support staff with a disability or who have caring responsibilities for someone with a disability. Before the launch the employee network team would like to gather your views by filling in a short survey to help them shape the network and identify our key priorities.

Disability comes in many forms including those that are hidden. The Equality Act 2010 defines an individuals as disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term negative effect on their ability to do normal day to day activities. This broad definition means that long term health issues can be classified as a disability in addition to mental, physical or sensory impairments.  

All your answers will be anonymised and the findings of the survey will help us to hear your hopes and concerns from the outset.