In certain circumstances where the contract of employment provides for this.
No, attendance at a leavers interview is not compulsory. Employees who do not wish to have this interview will be provided with a leavers questionnaire by their line manager.
It is organisation procedure that all managers should arrange to conduct a leavers interview with employees leaving the organisation, unless the member of staff does not want one.
If a member of staff leaves the organisation half way through a month, will they get the annual leave entitlement for that month?
No, the member of staff will only get the entitlement for every full calendar month they have worked.
Only in cases where an employee is dismissed because of gross misconduct.
Yes, they would be in breach of contract if they did not give the notice set out in their contract of employment. In exceptional cases, the manager may agree to an employee giving less than their contractual notice. In no circumstances, however, must an employee be allowed to give less than one week weeks’ notice.
When notice is given by either employer or employee it cannot be withdrawn unless both parties agree.
What annual leave will an employee accrue if they leave part way through the month?
They will be entitled to receive the annual leave that they had accrued up to the end of the previous month.
You will receive your P45 from the Payroll Office. This is usually sent to your home address after you have left the Trust.
By law, employers are required to give an employee one week’s notice for every complete year of service up to a maximum of 12 weeks. For long-serving employees, this might be longer than the contractual notice period provided by their terms and conditions.