​This page has been developed by the cxomplaints, concerns and PALs service to provide information to support staff to manage complaints and to share learning from across the trust. Templates to support the process will be available on this page and pathways that support the Management of Complaints and Concerns policy and procedure.

The Complaints team currently works with a borough-based method, ensuring that a borough is assigned to a particular co-ordinator who is responsible for aiding and documenting all complaints and concerns against services within that borough. Please see below for a list of team members, and the boroughs they are assigned to:

Lorna Isted: Sefton & Mental Health Urgent Response Service

Jonathan Mulvey: Knowsley, Cooperate Services

Clare Rose: St Helens and Warrington & Halton

A complaint is defined as: “An expression of dissatisfaction requiring a response that cannot be provided by    the end of the next working day and which the individual does not wish to be treated as a concern”. 

Therefore there is no absolute requirement for a complaint to be in writing and appropriate responses can be made to all complaints, whether written or verbal.

A concern is defined as: “Any anxiety or worry, regarding Trust services, expressed by service user/patient, their relatives and/or carers; which they do not wish to be treated as a complaint”.

A compliment is defined as: “An expression of praise admiration or congratulation”.