Publish date: 2 October 2020
Want to know what happens with the staff survey results?
Every year we’re asked, ‘what actually changes as a result of the staff survey?’
The truth is, there are some changes we can make quite quickly and there are other things that may take a little longer.
Some years we start to put things into place that we believe will bring the benefits in the long term. We invest time and resource in these areas anticipating that this will help us move towards a more positive experience for staff. An example of this is the development and roll out our leadership programme. For programmes such as this, we don’t expect to see a dramatic shift in the survey results from one year to the next but the staff survey results can help to let us know if we’re moving in the right direction with things.
Sometimes the results highlight concerns in certain areas of the organisation but not in others and when this happens, we may take a more localised approach to improvement.
This year has been a bit different for all of us. We received our staff survey results just as the Covid-19 pandemic hit and the way we are all working currently is very different to last year but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been changes and improvements.
Here are some things that have changed over this past year that we feel will help us achieve a more positive staff experience:
- Our Anti-Bullying Strategy has continued to develop with a full programme of events for national anti-bullying week. We also introduced our Early Resolution Policy and training for staff which is supported by the new internal Mediation Service which aims to provide structured early interventions.
- The Team Charter programme which supports teams to focus on their working relationships, what they do well and where improvements could be made, has begun to be rolled out across the Trust and have been really well received by staff who have participated so far.
- The Trust Disciplinary Policy has also been re-written to be more compassionate and ensure a fair process for our staff. A full training programme for managers has accompanied this.
- Our Equality Diversity and Inclusion network has gone from strength to strength with the set up and launch of our new BME Network and a new LGBT+ network which launched in the summer.
- We have updated our PDR paperwork to give additional clarity for staff and updated managing training to upskill managers enabling quality conversations during the PDR Process
- Work is underway to develop and launch a new staff platform. Enabling mobile access to Trust information and communications for all staff including hard to reach groups.
- Clinical staffing has been reviewed as part of the Ward Establishment programme which continues across the organisation.
- We recently introduced live Q&A sessions with our Executive Directors to give all staff the opportunity to hear the latest updates and put their questions to the executive team.
What do you think? Let us know by completing your 2020 NHS Staff Survey.
For information about how it works and why it’s important read this news article