Clinical is an online resource to support clinical best practice by:   

  • Providing quick access to procedures around a range of clinical topics, with printable, illustrated step-by-step guides
  • Allowing you to test your competence on a range of topics, including completing and printing all 12 care certificates 
  • Providing a space for staff from all professional groups to log continued professional development (CPD) and reflective practice for revalidation 

The system can be accessed from any device, including desktop PC, mobile and tablet, simply by typing into your web browser. You can also find an icon on your desktop, which will take you directly to the site.

How to log-in

All clinical staff have been assigned a username and password. Your username is your Trust email address. Your password will be Hollins1 the first time you log-in but you will be asked to change this as soon as you log-in.  

If you're having trouble logging into the system, email for support.