Clinical is an online resource to support clinical best practice, by: 

  • Providing quick access to procedures around a range of clinical topics, with printable, illustrated step-by-step guides
  • Allowing you to test your competence on a range of topics, including completing and printing all 12care certificates
  • Providing a space for staff from all professional groups to log continuing professional development (CPD) and reflective practice for revalidation

It can be accessed from any device, including your desktop PC, mobile and tablet, simply by typing into your web browser. You can also find an icon on your desktop, which will take you directly to the site.

Accessing the system

All clinical staff have been assigned a username and password. 

Your username is your Trust email address. Your password will be Hollins1 the first time you log-in but you will be asked to change this as soon as you log-in. 

If you are having trouble logging into the system, email for support. 

The easiest way to log-in to Clinical is to type into your internet browser from any device.

Once you are on the system, simply click the 'log-in' button and enter your username and password.

Yes you can - it is compatible with all devices, including PCs, laptops, iPads, tablets and mobile phones. You just need an internet connection. 

You can email for support and advice around the system.

Clinical procedures

Simply log-in to the system, which will take you to the dashboard. From here, select the 'procedures' box. 

You can then either search by topic or use the 'keyword search' bar at the top to find the procedure you are looking for, then click 'apply' and it will pull through all procedures related to the keyword/s you entered.

We have produced a visual how-to guide for searching for clinical procedures on Clinical with screenshots if you need further guidance.

If you can't find a procedure, email 

No, the system supports and complements our internal procedures. If you are looking for a clinical procedure, visit Clinical in the first instance. 

Search for the topic you are looking for and Clinical will direct you to the relevant procedure. If there is a Trust procedure for this topic, the organisational notes box on Clinical will direct you to this on the Intranet. 

This allows you to have access to both the Clinical procedure and the Trust procedure to support your practice.  

Continuing professional development

Simply log-in to the system, which will take you to the dashboard. From here, select the 'my performance and CPD' box, then go on the 'my CPD logs' tab, and then 'create a new CPD record'.

On this section, you can automatically generate your CPD log within the Nursing and Midwifery Council's recommended template, and then store it in 'my performance and CPD' (accessible from the dashboard). This template can be used by all professional groups.

You'll be able to go back in and add new information on your CPD later on, and then generate a competed form when you're ready. You can also download the log as a PDF so you can use it for your professional revalidation/registration or print a copy. 

We have produced a visual how-to guide for creating a CPD record or reflective account on Clinical with screenshots if you need further guidance. 

Yes, as with the CPD record, you can fill in a form on the 'my performance and CPD' page using the Nursing and Midwifery Council's (NMC) recommended template. This template can be used by all professional groups.

Within this template, you can record reflective accounts on your CPD and practice-related feedback, or an experience in your practice. 

We have produced a visual how-to guide for creating a CPD record or reflective account on Clinical with screenshots if you need further guidance.

Managers will be able to review information about tests completed and results for all staff within their borough, but they won't be able to view any personal reflective notes you add to procedures or your personal CPD records.

Yes. It can be used to log continuing professional development activity and reflective practice, which can be used to support revalidation/registration for all professional groups. 

Anything you log can be downloaded as a PDF so you can attach this as evidence when you are completing your professional revalidation/registration.

Completing tests and care certificates

Yes. Once enrolled on the Care Certificate course by the Care Certificate team, you will be advised which sections of Clinical can be used.

The assessments you are directed to within Clinical will support the theoretical aspects of your Care Certificate achievement process.

Simply log-in to the system, which will take you to the dashboard. From here, select the 'take a test' box, then select 'local tests' (this section includes tests on a range of topics).

From the list of tests, select the test you wish to complete and then click 'start your test'.

We have produced a visual how-to guide for completing tests and care certificates on Clinical with screenshots if you need further guidance.

We have produced a training matrix for each clinical staff group, which shows which tests are mandatory, which are advisory and those that are not applicable. View each matrix via the links below:


The two systems have different purposes, however you can use them both for logging professional development activity.

Use Clinical for:

  • Accessing clinical procedures
  • Completing online learning and care certificates
  • Logging continuing professional development activity

Use MySupervision for:

  • Logging clinical supervision electronically
  • Providing evidence clinical supervision is taking place
  • Logging continuing professional development activity

If you have any questions that aren't answered within these FAQs, email