Our Trust strategy for 2020-2023 sets out the direction and priorities for our organisation between now and 2023.

  • Quality, safe and efficient services

  • Whole person care

  • Values and culture

  • Delivering services differently.

  • Place-based care

  • System-wide collaboration

These priorities aim to focus our response to the opportunities and challenges presented by the continuous evolvement of the NHS and the environment in which we operate.

As you know, in September 2019, our Trust Board and Council of Governors made a recommendation to NHS Improvement for our staff and services to be acquired by Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust. This decision was reached to make sure the services we currently provide will continue to be delivered in a high-quality and safe way in the future. We have a strong track record of delivering good, quality services which we expect to continue through our 2020-2023 strategy.

As a result of this overall change in organisational strategic direction, this year we are taking a different approach to our strategy. We remain ambitious and committed to providing safe, quality services and a positive staff experience. Our six priorities will continue to drive the development of patient care and a sustainable workforce which are fit for the future.

While North West Boroughs Healthcare will no longer exist as an entity after 1 April 2021, the improvements we are making now will continue to be important after the transition. Our commitment to quality and safety for our patients and staff remains our main focus and, during the next 12 months, we will be working with colleagues at Mersey Care to make sure their future ambitions reflect and meet the needs of our patients, service users, carers and staff.

Alongside each if our six priorities are statements to outline what our patients and staff can expect.

Actions we plan to take to achieve our priorities are broken down into annual objectives, with annual operating plans detailing action to be taken to achieve the objectives.

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