Publish date: 15 March 2021

As you are aware our Wigan, Bolton and Greater Manchester services will transfer to Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust (GMMH) on 1 April. Their temporary staffing provider is NHS Professionals (NHSP). We have agreed a process with NHSP that will allow any substantive staff who bank in our Wigan services or any bank only workers who bank in Wigan and who wish to continue to do so post transfer to be registered with NHSP.

We have agreed to transfer bank workers engaged on the Trust’s internal bank to NHSP under the Cabinet Office Statement of Practice (COSoP) – Staff Transfers in the Public Sector (2000, revised December 2013).  Although the transfer is not considered to be a ‘relevant transfer’ under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (as amended), COSoP ensures that the transfer is managed as if it were covered under the Transfer of Undertakings legislation (TUPE).  

There will be no registration process required directly with NHSP. We have agreed that we will share the details of staff and workers who wish to be registered with NHSP, this will include personal details such as name, address, date of birth and pay details (not an exhaustive list).

In order for this to happen, we are asking that you confirm to us if you wish to have your record (including personal details) sent to NHSP so that they can register you. The deadline for this is 5pm on Wednesday 17 March. You only need to respond if you wish to register with NHSP, if you do not respond we will not provide NHSP with your details.

Please email with your full name and date of birth confirming that you wish to be registered with NHSP. By doing this you are consenting to us providing NHSP with your personal details. Any responses received after the deadline will not be actioned and will require you to apply to NHSP through their normal recruitment and selection process should you wish to bank in Wigan after 31 March 2021.

In addition, for bank only workers, unless you tell us otherwise, you will remain registered on NWBH bank and be able to bank in other areas of the Trust (excluding Wigan borough).

For substantive staff transferring to GMMH, if you wish to continue to bank for NWBH in other areas of the Trust (excluding Wigan borough), you will need to reapply to join the bank. This is because your ESR assignment transfers to GMMH and we will no longer hold your record. The link to the process is on StaffZone. 

For substantive staff who are not transferring to GMMH there is nothing that you need to do in order to remain on NWBH bank.

Please accept our apologies for this very short timescale, we have been in ongoing discussions with both NHSP and GMMH to reach a solution and are aware that this has taken longer than we would have wished. We are going to ensure that temporary staffing arrangements are not disrupted from 1 April, but will need your help and support to do this by responding to requests at short notice.

There may be additional forms that will require completing during this process, but we will communicate this to you and keep you updated so please check your emails regularly. We will also provide further details regarding the terms of membership with NHSP and any other relevant information with you shortly.