ISS Mediclean provide all inpatient catering services Trust wide and at the De La Mare Restaurant at Hollins Park. All patient menus are revised on a quarterly basis with patient input and carry a full nutritional breakdown including allergen advice. All menus are provided to support any special diets, this include dysphagia, diabetic and vegan. Menus are available different formats including large print and pictorials. ISS fully support religious beliefs, providing separate menus meals such as Halal and Kosher. 

We are always looking at ways to improve the catering service and provide a better experience for patients and customers. Satisfaction questionnaires are available on all wards for feedback and also in the De La Mare Restaurant. 

Catering focus groups meet bi-monthly across all localities. Members have the opportunity to discuss several topics including recent feedback from the satisfaction questionnaires, new products, menus, ward kitchen audits and any changes to food legislation. Staff and patients are most welcome to attend. If you would like to feedback any comments or become a member of the Catering Focus Group or would like any more information about catering services you can contact: Julie Westwell, Contract Manager Soft FM Services, on 01925 664 138 or via email: