Starting salaries - NHS candidates
All starting salaries are subject to the successful candidate providing evidence of their current salary via a most recent payslip. This will be requested by the resourcing team as the successful candidate goes through pre-employment checks.
If the successful candidate works in the NHS and is moving from another Trust to NWBH on the same band then agenda for change terms and conditions of service apply. The new starter will retain their current pay point and incremental date.
If the successful candidate works in the NHS and is moving from another Trust to NWBH on a higher band then new starter will commence on the minimum of the higher band.
If the minimum of the higher band is less than current salary then the new starter will move from current salary across and up one pay point.
If the successful candidate is an NHS candidate then the starting salary will be obvious from the above process. However, conditional offer letters will always quote the minimum and maximum of the band to which the successful candidate has been appointed until evidence has been produced.
Starting salaries - non NHS candidates
It is increasingly usual for successful candidates to be appointed who have no NHS service so agenda for change terms and conditions of service will not apply when it comes to determining starting salaries.
All starting salaries are subject to the successful candidate providing evidence of their current salary via a most recent payslip. This will be requested by the resourcing team as the successful candidate goes through pre-employment checks.
In these cases, once evidence of current salary is received, the resourcing team will liaise with the recruiting manager.
If the successful candidate is not an NHS candidate then the starting salary can be negotiated between the candidate and the recruiting manager. This negotiation should bear in mind current salary, skills, knowledge and relevant past experience. Once agreement is reached, the recruiting manager should inform the resourcing team what pay point has been agreed so that this can be entered on the contract of employment.