Working with partners, we are extremely committed to do everything possible to prevent suicide.
Every case is tragic and has far reaching consequences for family, friends, colleagues and the wider community.
The ask of everyone within our Trust is to support and champion the suicide prevention agenda.
The more we talk about suicide and de-stigmatise the conversation the more deaths we may prevent.
Our combined efforts will hopefully encourage people to not consider suicide as a solution.
Looking after ourselves
It is important to remember that the information and resources in this section are relevant to all of us, not just for our work life but for our own life and that of our friends and family.
It continues to be a difficult time for everyone, for some it feels like there is no end in sight. It is okay to find that hard.
We’re all taking multiple actions day in, day out, to protect our physical health – wearing PPE and surgical face masks, working from home where possible, keeping our distance from our friends and families – but these things, together with the increased pressure at work and loss of freedom in our personal lives, may be taking their toll on your mental health.
You must make time for yourself and take steps to look after your emotional wellbeing.
If you are struggling, please don’t feel alone. Reach out to your colleagues or line manager for support. Our staff wellbeing hub offers a wealth of resources, including access to psychological support should you need it.