Publish date: 31 March 2021
On the 12 March the national staff survey results were published and we want to share with you the highlights and next steps.
The national NHS staff survey provides us with valuable insight into how you’re feeling about your job and what matters to you at work. This, along with other initiatives, helps us to shape our priorities and concentrate on what matters to you most.
After such a challenging year, we were really pleased to see an improvement in nine out of the ten key themes, with our scores for line managers and team working representing the highest in the Cheshire and Mersey region! I’d like to express my thanks to our managers, leaders and colleagues who have embraced the opportunities that Covid has given us in terms of support, flexibility and enhanced communication which I know has made the last 12 months more manageable for staff.
A key focus over the last year has been to ensure that you are supported during this incredibly challenging time, by line managers and our wellbeing offer. We were pleased to see the positive impact of this reflected in the results of the survey. The questions about your immediate line managers show an improvement, and the number of staff believing that the Trust takes positive action on health and wellbeing increased by over 10 per cent.
We were also delighted to see the significant improvement in our safety culture across the Trust which was so important during the last 12 months, and critical for our staff, patients and service users.
Although there has been some fantastic improvement we also know that there are areas we need to focus on and there’s more we can do. Your health and wellbeing will continue to be a significant priority over the next 12 months as we build our recovery from Covid. We will continue to work hard with all our networks so that they are able to represent your voice and make inclusion a reality and will be working to look to embed a restorative just and learning culture.
We will be taking a very close look at the results of the NHS staff survey in the coming weeks and providing you, and your managers with further information. We have been working closely with Mersey Care to ensure that our action plans can transfer across and will hand over the action planning stage to Greater Manchester Mental Health.
The next 12 months will continue to be challenging for the NHS and perhaps particularly so for us here at North West Boroughs Healthcare with the upcoming transactions, but our aim is to support you to have the best possible working environment and deliver the best possible care for our patients and service users.
There will be plenty of opportunities over the coming months for you to share your thoughts on what helps you now and what more can be done to support you to be happy, healthy and productive at work. I look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions.
Read the full results here or a summary version here.