Publish date: 26 May 2021
All new starters to the Mid Mersey division after 1 June will receive the same induction as other staff at Mersey Care.
Induction will continue to be delivered virtually and the induction pack sent to new starters before their start date by the recruitment team. In addition, the Learning and Development Team will contact all new starters once they have joined to request they complete a number of priority e-learning packages.
Clinical staff members working in the community will also be asked to attend a half-day training session which will cover basic life support and breakaway training. They will be booked on these courses as part of the induction process and managers will be informed of the dates they have been asked to attend.
All clinical staff working on inpatient units will need to complete personal safety services training (PMVA training) before they attend their workplace. Again, they will be booked on this course as part of their induction.
For inpatient staff, there will therefore only be two dates each month when they can start employment. This will usually be the first full week and third week of each month.
It is vital staff attend these courses so they receive the appropriate training. Also, restrictions on numbers in the classroom mean there will be very few places available for staff who have not attended.
Please note, all new temporary staff will go through the same induction process as other staff in a comparable role.