Publish date: 11 May 2021

Author: John Heritage

I am a 'relative new boy' compared to many of our colleagues who work at our Trust - only being with the Trust since 2009 but its fair to say 'our Trust' has 'got me'.

I think its a very special place with very special people doing very special things!   We know we aren't perfect, we know we don't get everything right and we know we have more to do....but...what we do have in abundance is people who really care and are passionate about what they do and the people they support and their colleagues.  We see this all the time but non more so than during the last 12 months plus of COVID.

The opportunities our services and our teams will have as part of the enlarged mersey care will be significant and i urge everyone to embrace them. 

Some colleagues have left and some will leave at the point of transaction and they should rightly look back with pride at what they have helped create and shape in our Trust and led.  Many people comment to me that we are a 'friendly trust'....we are, and this doesnt happen by accident, conditition and cultures are created and this is what has been created in our Trust.

Even though the name '5 Boroughs' or 'NWBH' won't exist from 1st June what will continue is the people doing the jobs they did on 31 May in with the passion and commitment they have always done.   There's lots to be proud of about our Trust and what we do and as we will gain from being part of the enlarged Mersey Care, the enlarged Mersey Care will gain hugely from having NWBH as part of it.

Continue being brilliant and continue being passionate and committed and i look forward to being with you on the journey....thanks for everything and all you're special people and don't forget it :)