All existing assets, including IT Kit and chairs, will transfer to Greater Manchester Mental Health on 1 April 2021, so therefore transferring staff members will retain their existing items, even if working at home.

The clinical system that Greater Manchester Mental Health use is called PARIS. 

The project to merge the two Rio systems together will take around 18 months, so access to the existing Rio systems will be the same on day one as it is today.


Dictation Systems

Greater Manchester Mental Health use a system called Dict8 which is different to the system used currently in Wigan Borough.  Greater Manchester Mental Health will ensure there will be a solution that can be implemented within the Wigan transferring services. 


Greater Manchester Mental Health is currently migrating the Bolton CAMHs team over to Paris from IAPTUS.  The intention would be to move the Wigan CAMHs team to Paris at some point in the future, although this would be agreed through discussion and engagement with the service.  Timescales are not yet agreed for any systems transfers, so the team should consider what immediate requirements they currently face. 

Access to our G drive will stop from midnight on 31 March 2021 and will not be accessible. However, the files contained in the G drive will have been transferred over to the file server used by Greater Manchester Mental Health and instructions will be sent to transferring staff prior to the transfer.  This is to ensure that all files you need, which may be stored anywhere else such as on your desktop or email folders, are moved to the G Drive prior to the transfer date.

On 1 April 2021, you will commence using Greater Manchester Mental Health’s Outlook using your new email address that will have been provided to you prior to transfer.  You will still have “read only” access to your NWBH email via the web - until this is fully migrated to Greater Manchester Mental Health – enabling you to still log in but you will not be able to send or receive email.

No emails will be forwarded from your NWBH email address to your new Greater Manchester Mental Health email address. An out of office message will automatically be put on all transferring staff emails, notifying people that the old NWBH email address no longer exists and informing the send of your new email address.

Your new email, landline phone number and file solutions will be in place from Day 1.  Your current mobile phone number will be retained.  

Files will be migrated from personal and shared drives to Greater Manchester Mental Health OneDrive, and will be accessible from day one.  For a period of time after day one, main numbers such as wards, switchboard and crisis line will keep the same number but will divert through the Greater Manchester Mental Health MS Teams telephony system.  More detailed communications are being prepared by Greater Manchester Mental Health that will provide further information about telephone numbers and using the MS Teams system.

Software used by staff on the advice of Access to Work will still be accessible from day one.