Publish date: 21 September 2020

It's that time of year again! You will soon receive your NHS Staff Survey for 2020 by email or post and once again, we would really encourage you to complete yours.

The survey will run end of September to November and Quality Health will be administering the survey on our behalf. All staff will be invited to share their views via the survey.

Why take part?

Each year NHS staff across the country are invited to take part in the survey. It gathers views to understand what staff experiences at work are like.

It's used by organisations to understand the local picture and identify areas for improvement and celebration.

In this organisation it's used at a Trust wide and more local level to plan how we use our time and resources to focus on improvements relating to staff experience. It is for this reason that we encourage you all to take the time to complete it so the results can be an accurate and representative picture of your work experiences.

For the same reasons, the results will be important to your receiving organisations as part of the transaction.

The results are also used by NHS England and NHS Improvement to support national assessments of quality and safety. The Care Quality Commission uses the results to inform their Intelligent Monitoring work to help to decide who, where and what to inspect.

What to expect and changes this year

Online survey - For the online survey, you will receive an email invitation to your work email.

You will see this in your emails and will appear in the 'from' field as 'Survey' or The first email will have the subject NHS Staff Survey 2020 invitation.

NEW this year - the login process has been simplified and all you will need to do is click on the link in your email to go straight to the survey.  

Printed survey - A small number of staff have been sent the survey as a hard copy pack.

NEW this year - there is also an option for these staff to complete this online and information about this will be included in your covering letter.


Every year, staff ask about confidentiality. We genuinely do not see your individual responses and have no access to this.  If you're wondering why the barcode is needed and how it works, this short video from Quality Health explains it.

You can find out more about how Quality Health maintain confidentiality in this leaflet

Finding the time

We know that time is something we all feel short of but in the long run, it helps to ensure we put our time into making improvements in the right areas if the results we get are truly reflective of our collective experiences so we would urge you to consider how you can make time for this.

The survey should take 10 to 20 minutes.

If you have any other questions or comments about this survey, contact

Your views really do matter!