Job description and person specification

When submitting a vacancy request you must ensure the job description and person specification is on the approved Trust template and has been job matched under Agenda for Change.

The following potentially discriminative terms should not appear on a job description or person specification:

  • Enthusiastic
  • Dynamic
  • Motivated
  • Mature
  • Over ‘x’ years’ experience - this term could be seen as discriminatory. Instead the following terms may be used: ‘demonstrable or proven’ experience.
  • Must have a car / be a car driver (unless the post holder will be driving service users in their vehicle.) This term should be substituted for ‘must have access to a suitable means of transport to enable the post holder to commute across the trust footprint / borough.’

Only relevant, non-discriminatory and objectively justifiable criteria should appear on the person specification.

If a vacancy request is submitted using a job description and person specification that does not comply with Trust guidance it will not be authorised and your vacancy will not be advertised.

Contacting the resourcing team

If you need a job description to raise a vacancy request please contact the Resourcing team