Publish date: 17 May 2021

Join Monday's live Q&A where you can hear from Chief Executive Simon Barber and members of our executive leadership team on Microsoft Teams.

If you are unable to attend and have a question you would like to be asked, please send it to:

Please remember, questions can be about anything, they do not need to relate to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The session will take place on Microsoft Teams. Your microphone will be muted and you will be able to ask questions using the chat function. Please join without your camera on.

All staff will be able to access the sessions, but if you are using Windows 7 and do not have the Teams app installed, you must open the link in Google Chrome, not Internet Explorer. Helpful tips to join using a Google Chrome browser are on StaffZone.

Sessions are recorded and shared through our usual communications for those who are unable to attend. You can watch recordings of previous live Q&As on all devices, including your personal smartphone or computer, at: