They are for Psychiatry and BBT trainees. Foundation trainees can attend if interested and can commit to attend for the whole of their placement, as long as capacity allows. Please discuss with Dr Sowden at the beginning of your placement if you would like to do so.

Contact Dr Sowden on or on 01928 753252 to discuss your training needs at the start of your placement or before if possible. You will need to see a minimum of 2 cases by the end of CT3. A short case, which is defined as a minimum of 12 sessions, and a long case, defined as a minimum of 20 sessions.

Therapy sessions are weekly and usually last 1 hour.  Supervision is often in a group format of up to 3 trainees lasting up to 1.5 hours, but may be individual. Individual supervision often lasts 1 hour, though the minimum requirement per week is half an hour.

From CT2 onwards trainees who have attended CBD Groups in CT1 can take on supervised cases. This needs to be agreed with your supervising Consultant as part of your training plan at the start of your placement. Trainees are allowed to allocate up to 4 hours per week for supervised case work. This includes time to see the case, attend supervision , and any travel required. This time may be within one half day, but is often a cumulative total across the week to accommodate other commitments and supervisor availability.

The college requires you to attend 25 CBD Groups by the end of CT2. It is recommended that you attend as many of these in your CT1 year as you can.

The overall programme is aimed at first building your reflective skills and psychotherapeutic knowledge before taking on supervised cases, so it is not expected that you take on supervised cases until CT2.

Yes, you should continue to attend until you have attended 25 groups, and have a minimum of 2 CBDGAs showing competence (“satisfactory” scores).

Yes. Trainees must keep a HENW CT2&3 Supervised Case Logbook, and upload this to Portfolio Online prior to each ARCP as 1 PDF file, tagged as a Psychotherapy document. See Q15 for more information

Yes, attendance records are kept for the CBD groups and Supervisors monitor attendance at supervision sessions.

CBD Groups and supervised cases are ARCP requirements for psychiatry trainees. BBT trainees also need to attend the CBD Groups. NWBH supports the time for trainees to fulfil their requirements. Only trainees holding an emergency bleep are not covered by protected time. You should ensure that you are not holding an emergency bleep disproportionately more than other trainees in your borough in order to maximise your attendance.

Yes, A CBD Group Assessment (CBDGA) is available in portfolio online. The facilitator of the CBD Group will complete a CBDGA at the end of each 6 months if you have attended 50% of the groups and presented at least one case in those 6 months. CBDGAs form part of the ARCP assessment of Psychotherapy competencies. You should aim to have 1 CBDGA for each 6 months of groups that you attend.

Information and guidance is available on HENW’s website:

This includes the Case Based Discussion and Supervised Case Logbooks that trainees must complete, and the minimum ARCP data set required, which includes a checklist to assist trainees in putting their evidence together. The checklist is used by the ARCP panels to assess competency evidence.


Each relevant Logbook should be uploaded to Portfolio online prior to each ARCP as 1 PDF file and tagged as a Psychotherapy document. Trainees are advised to keep each logbook as a hard copy, which you add to as you go along, so that you can always upload the fullest version of your evidence for each ARCP. As evidence for both the CBD Groups and Supervised Cases spans more than 1 training year, this is crucial so that all evidence can be reviewed easily at each ARCP Panel. This format is required for Psychotherapy competencies to be signed off.


The Royal College also has guidance on its website:

Yes. Trainees must complete a HENW CT1&2 CBD Group Logbook of their groups in CT1&2, and upload this to Portfolio Online prior to each ARCP as 1 PDF file, tagged as a Psychotherapy document. See Q15 for more information.

Case Based Discussion Groups used to be called Balint Groups. They were originally developed as part of GP training to aid reflection on interactions with patients. They are opportunities to informally present and reflect on cases that trainees see in everyday practice in order to make sense of them from a psychological perspective, including the impact that interactions have on the trainee emotionally, and the doctor-patient relationship.

The programme consists of Case Based Discussion Groups, and opportunity to take on supervised Psychotherapy Cases following introductory seminars.

Competencies for Supervised cases are demonstrated via the Psychotherapy ACE (PACE) and the Supervisor’s Assessment of Psychotherapy Expertise (SAPE). Both of these are available in Portfolio Online.