NHS England and NHS Improvement

Mental health, learning disabilities and autism

Responding to Covid-19: mental health, learning disabilities and autism:

Update 2: 25 March 2020

Summary: Webinar information, Guidance on managing capacity and demand within inpatient and community mental health services, Guidance on Covid-19 prioritisation within community health services, Advice on PPE, FutureNHS collaboration platform workspace.

Responding to Covid-19: Mental health, learning disabilities and autism:

Update 1: 15 March 2020

Summary: Webinar information, Plan for national guidance, Identification of vulnerable patients, Contingency plans, Patient engagement.


Prison transfers and remissions to and from mental health inpatient hospitals in relation to Covid-19:

Version 1: 28 April 2020

Summary: This guidance has been assessed to identify potential equality impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with mental health needs and learning disabilities and/or autism.

Covid-19: Grab and go guide form

Covid-19Grab and go guide guidance notes.

Summary: The Grab and Go guide has been designed in partnership with people with learning disabilities, families and nurses. It gives the information that doctors and nurses will need if you go to hospital because of COVID-19 and, for example, are struggling to breathe. It is not a replacement for the everyday, detailed hospital passport.

My C(E)TR Planner


Summary: For Care (Education) and Treatment Reviews during the coronavirus outbreak.

Workforce guidance for mental health, learning disabilities and autism, and specialised commissioning services during the coronavirus pandemic - 8 April 2020

Summary: This document provides mental health, learning disabilities and autism, and specialised commissioning workforce guidance and considerations for systems, providers, NHS commissioned services and staff, to ensure safety in the workplace is maintained during the Covid-19 outbreak.

​Legal guidance for mental health, learning disability and autism and specialised commissioning services supporting people of all ages during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Version 2: 19 May 2020

​Summary: This guidance concerns the impact of Covid-19 on the use of the Mental Health Act and supporting systems to safeguard the legal rights of people receiving mental health, learning disabilities and specialised commissioned mental health services. It will be regularly updated to reflect the rapidly changing context and questions/concerns and feedback from the sector.

​IAPT guide for delivering treatment remotely during the coronavirus pandemic:
Version 1: 25 March 2020

Summary: This guidance is for IAPT providers and their clinical teams who are planning for the continued delivery of IAPT services via non face-to-face methods. It is intended to support the contingency planning already underway for a range of resource-constrained scenarios. It will be updated as required.

​Managing capacity and demand within inpatient and community mental health, learning disabilities and autism services for all ages.

Version 1: 25 March 2020


​Summary: This document provides information and guidance for providers and their clinical and non-clinical teams who are planning for how best to manage their capacity across inpatient and community services, and should support contingency planning, already underway, for a range of resource constrained scenarios.

​Management of patients with a learning disability, autism or both:

Version 1: 24 March 2020

Easy Read Version

Summary: Clinical guide for front line staff to support the management of patients with a learning disability, autism or both during the coronavirus pandemic – relevant to all clinical specialities.

​Covid-19: Immediate establishment of 24/7 urgent NHS mental health telephone support, advice and triage - Letter: 3 April 2020

Summary: Covid-19: Letter from Claire Murdoch, National Mental Health Director, calling all Mental Health Trusts to establish 24/7 urgent NHS mental health telephone support, advice and triage.

​Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR):

Letter: 3 April 2020

​Summary: We are writing to ensure that there is clarity in relation to the use of the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) and the use of do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) with younger patients, those with a stable long term physical need, learning disability or autism.

​Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

​Covid-19 guide for care staff supporting adults with learning disabilities or autistic adults

Summary: ​This is a guide to help care staff and personal assistants supporting adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults through the Covid-19 crisis. Its aim is to assist high-quality care and support during the pandemic.

​Covid-19 guide for social workers and occupational therapists supporting adults with learning disabilities or autistic adults

Summary:  This is a guide to help social workers and occupational therapists supporting autistic adults and adults with learning disabilities through the Covid-19 crisis.

​Covid-19 guide for carers and family supporting adults and children with learning disabilities or autistic adults and children

Summary: ​This is a guide to help family members and carers living with and supporting adults and children with learning disabilities, or an autistic adult or child, through the Covid-19 crisis. Its aim is to assist carers to carry on giving good, safe support to their family members during the pandemic.


Coronavirus webpage

Summary: ​The Autistica website has created a coronavirus webpage which continues to be updated and at the time of writing contains the below resources.

Join an expert webinar


​Summary: During the Coronavirus lockdown, we're working with leading experts from around the UK to stream live webinars to you in the comfort of your own home

Tips for managing mental health during Coronavirus

​Summary: We know that the current Coronavirus lockdown can be particularly difficult for autistic people. This page contains a range of tips based on evidence - with input from autistic people in our community and in our team who are putting them into practice. They should help you to keep your mental health and wellbeing in check.

Tips for remote health appointments

Summary: ​On this page, Prof Jonathan Green shares his advice for patients to get the most out of phone or video health appointments.

Hosting accessible online events, meetings and webinars

Summary: ​This guide is aimed at event or meeting hosts. It should help you make your events more accessible for autistic people and those with additional needs.

Impacts of coronavirus for autistic employees

Summary: This information is for employers. It aims to help you understand the range of challenges that autistic employees and job seekers may be facing during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

The world after coronavirus

Summary: ​This is a live article featuring views from autistic people, families, researchers, our staff and other opinion leaders.

Trust resources

Autism and Mental Health Support Team


​Summary: Our team can offer specialist advice and short-term consultation to help you support your clients with a diagnosis of ASC.

Are you autism aware information sheet

Summary: Information sheet containing guidance and tips for making reasonable adjustments to your clinical work.