Our Trust Induction has been developed to give all new starters an introduction to the culture and values of our organisation and to help prepare them for their roles before they formally join their teams. The morning of induction provides new starters with an introduction to and overview of the organisation as well as emphasising our key values. In the afternoon, there will be a variety of market stalls to visit, each of which will provide important information for new members of staff.
It is important that all new members of staff attend induction as the first day of their employment. The actual start date will be agreed as part of the recruitment process and details of the induction provided to the new starter and their manager well in advance of their start date. In addition, new starters may be expected to complete mandatory training, the Care Certificate and Restrictive Physical Interventions Training (Teamwork). These are important parts of the induction process and if booked on these courses staff members must attend as part of their induction.
Following Trust induction, new starters will be expected to complete a local induction in their workplace. This will cover a range of administrative tasks.
As part of the recruitment process, a personal induction plan will be developed which will be based on the new starters previous experience and the role they will fulfil in our Trust.
New starters with previous NHS experience will be asked to provide evidence that they have completed mandatory training with their previous employer. This could take the form of certificates they have been given or information from their previous employer’s Learning and Development team. Where possible, credit will be given for prior study and the staff member’s mandatory training record updated to show their competence when they join our Trust.
Similarly, any new staff members who are between Bands 1-4 and who work in a clinical role will be expected to complete the Care Certificate as part of their induction if they have not already completed this with a previous employer.
Finally, all new members of staff working on in-patient units will be asked to complete the Restrictive Physical Interventions course (Teamwork). Dates and venue for both the Care Certificate and the Restrictive Physical Interventions course will be provided to new starters and their managers as part of their Personal Induction Plan.
A number of possible pathways through the induction process are shown here. These are examples of what the process might look like for staff members of different kinds and with different experience.
Any further questions can be directed to:-
Peter Simpson, Learning & Development Manager - peter.simpson@nwbh.nhs.uk - 01925 664489