Publish date: 5 January 2021

You don’t have to feel stressed, worried or anxious to need to look after your wellbeing. We want you to be able to make the most of the two new wellbeing programmes on offer. There are a range of dates and times available, with no requirement for you to attend all sessions or to attend the sessions in a particular order.  

Want to book on but you’re not sure where to start?

Within each programme we recommend that you attend each of the core workshops as a minimum - why not start here first?

Caring for you: properly selfish


Caring for your teams: The mentally healthy leader


12 January - 8am 

20 January - 10am

28 January -  4pm

15 January - 10am

12 February - 10am

The programmes aim to help us find ways to manage our wellbeing when we do encounter more difficult or challenging times.