Publish date: 23 February 2021

Author: James Blandy

Following the implementation of the Adult Safeguarding Intercollegiate Document (2018), there has been a change in the delivery method for Level 1 Mandatory Adult Safeguarding training. Currently all Trust staff receive level 1 Adult Safeguarding training on induction and this is never repeated. 

From 1 April 2021, all staff who are working for the Trust and do not require Adult Safeguarding level 2 e-learning training as part of their role, will be required to complete level 1 e-learning Adult Safeguarding training every three years. Which can be accessed via the existing OLM system.

This will apply to all level 1staff who have worked for the Trust for three years and who will automatically fall out of compliance on 1 April 2021 and for any new starters

All staff need to check their personal training matrix, which will direct them to the appropriate training.

Please contact for further information regarding if your role is aligned to Level 1 training.